The Library Learning Analytics Project (LLAP) is a collaborative partnership between the University of Michigan (U-M) and the following institutions that comprise the project advisory group (PAG).
The project will use U-M campus and library data in order to prototype and pilot data collection, storage and analysis with the expectation that the tools developed will be made available to other libraries and institutions. A proximate goal will be toprovide guidance to PAG institutions and other libraries on how to best design and implement empirical, holistic library learning analytics (LLA) studies ofthe links from library usage, to learning outcomes such as research, course instruction, and publications. The project will produce a set of tools, scripts, and protocols that will be freely available to all libraries.
LLAP is designed to serve as a template for other libraries with respect to: 1) collecting and storing library use data with individual identifiers while maintaining the privacy of individuals; 2) designing and implementing a holistic LLA study of the link from library use to multiple learning outcomes, and; 3) creating a secure cyber infrastructure for LLA research.
LLAP’s research activities have been approved by the Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board (IRB-HSBS) at the University of Michigan (HUM00146232).